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Demystifying Chakras: Are There 12 Chakras?

how many chakras are there 12

Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening through the exploration of chakras, the powerful energy centers within our bodies. As we begin this journey, we must address the common question that many seekers ask: How many chakras are there? While the traditional understanding recognizes seven chakras, there is also a growing belief in the existence of a 12 chakra system.

As we delve deeper into the world of chakras, we will explore the meanings and functions of these energy centers, their significance in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and the controversy surrounding the various chakra systems. We will also provide practical tips and techniques for balancing and healing the chakras, empowering you to embark on your own transformative and personal journey with chakras.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chakras are energy centers within our bodies that are believed to contribute to our overall well-being.
  • The traditional understanding recognizes seven chakras, while a growing belief recognizes a 12 chakra system.
  • Exploring chakras can lead to personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Understanding Chakras and Energy Centers

Chakras are believed to be the energy centers within the human body responsible for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Understanding chakras can be a transformative journey towards self-awareness and growth. The concept of chakras originated from ancient Indian spiritual traditions and has been adopted and expanded upon by various cultures and belief systems.

Chakras are commonly represented as spinning wheels or vortexes that channel energy through the body. Each chakra has its unique location, color, and associated physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. When the chakras are balanced and aligned, they enable the flow of energy through the body, promoting overall well-being and harmony.

The seven chakra system is the most widely recognized and traditional understanding of chakras, but other alternative systems, such as the 12 chakra system, have emerged and gained popularity in recent years. Regardless of the specific number of chakras, the essential concept remains the same: chakras are integral to the journey towards self-awareness and spiritual growth.

The Traditional Understanding of Chakras

The traditional understanding of chakras is rooted in ancient Indian spiritual traditions and has been widely recognized as a seven chakra system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with a specific area of the body and is believed to contribute to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The seven chakras include the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. These energy centers are often depicted as spinning wheels or lotus flowers and symbolize the flow of energy throughout the body.

The Emergence of the 12 Chakra System

While the traditional seven chakra system is widely recognized in ancient Indian spiritual traditions, the 12 chakra system has gained popularity in recent years. This system expands upon the traditional seven chakras and introduces additional energy centers, each with its own unique properties and purposes.

Proponents of the 12 chakra system believe that it offers a more comprehensive understanding of the human energy field and its interplay with physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is thought to provide a greater depth of insight into the various layers of the aura and the subtle nuances of energy flow throughout the body.

The 12 chakra system is said to include additional chakras above and below the traditional seven, as well as several in between. These additional chakras are believed to correspond to specific aspects of consciousness and facilitate deeper levels of spiritual awareness and understanding.

The 12 Chakras in the 12 Chakra System

Chakra Name Location Purpose
8 Soul Star Above the Crown Connection to Divine consciousness
9 Spirit Above the Soul Star Higher consciousness and spiritual awakening
10 Universal Unity Above the Spirit Harmony with the universe and oneness with all
11 Galactic Above Universal Unity Connection to extraterrestrial beings and knowledge
12 Divine Gateway Above Galactic Access to divine wisdom and universal knowledge
Below the Root Earth Star Below the Feet Grounding and connection to the earth

While the 12 chakra system has gained popularity among spiritual enthusiasts, there is also debate and controversy surrounding it. Skeptics argue that the additional chakras are simply a new-age fad with no basis in traditional beliefs or scientific evidence.

Regardless of personal beliefs, exploring the 12 chakra system can be a fascinating journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. By learning about the properties and purposes of each chakra, individuals can gain insight into their own energy field and how to balance and align it for optimal well-being.

The Additional Chakras in the 12 Chakra System

The 12 chakra system expands on the traditional seven chakras, introducing five additional energy centers that are believed to contribute to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The following are brief descriptions of each of the additional chakras in the 12 chakra system:

Chakra Name Function
8th Chakra Higher Self Connects us to our higher self and spiritual guidance.
9th Chakra Unity Represents the unity of all things and our interconnectedness.
10th Chakra Cosmic Consciousness Connects us to the universe and cosmic consciousness.
11th Chakra Bridge Acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.
12th Chakra Divine Will Represents our connection to the divine and our life’s purpose.

Each of the additional chakras in the 12 chakra system has its own unique meaning and function, contributing to a holistic understanding of our energy centers and their role in our lives.

The Higher Self Chakra

The 8th chakra, also known as the Higher Self chakra, is located above the crown chakra and is believed to connect us to our higher self and spiritual guidance. When balanced, this chakra can help us tap into our intuition and wisdom, leading us towards our highest path and purpose.

The Unity Chakra

The 9th chakra, also known as the Unity chakra, represents the unity and interconnectedness of all things. When balanced, this chakra can help us cultivate a sense of oneness and empathy towards others and the world around us.

The Cosmic Consciousness Chakra

The 10th chakra, also known as the Cosmic Consciousness chakra, connects us to the universe and the infinite wisdom and knowledge available to us. When balanced, this chakra can help us tap into our cosmic consciousness and access higher dimensions of understanding.

The Bridge Chakra

The 11th chakra, also known as the Bridge chakra, acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. When balanced, this chakra can help us integrate spiritual experiences into our physical reality and live in alignment with our higher purpose.

The Divine Will Chakra

The 12th chakra, also known as the Divine Will chakra, represents our connection to the divine and our life’s purpose. When balanced, this chakra can help us tap into our inner guidance and live in alignment with our true self and soul’s mission.

Exploring the additional chakras in the 12 chakra system can offer a deeper understanding of our energy centers and how they contribute to our overall well-being and spiritual growth.

The Debate and Controversy Surrounding the 12 Chakra System

As with any spiritual belief or practice, the concept of the 12 chakra system is not without controversy and debate. Some argue that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of additional chakras beyond the traditional seven, while others maintain that the 12 chakra system is a natural evolution of human consciousness.

Those in favor of the 12 chakra system believe that the additional energy centers correspond to higher levels of spiritual development and personal growth. They suggest that these chakras are essential for achieving a state of enlightenment and transcendence.

Opponents of the 12 chakra system argue that it is a modern invention, created to cater to a growing demand for alternative spiritual practices. They maintain that there is no historical or cultural evidence to support the existence of additional chakras beyond the traditional seven.

“Whether you believe in the 12 chakra system or not, what really matters is your personal experience with them. If you have found that working with additional chakras has helped you on your spiritual journey, then that is all that matters.”

Ultimately, the debate surrounding the 12 chakra system is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. However, what is clear is that the idea of chakras as energy centers within the body has gained widespread acceptance and recognition.

Exploring the Benefits of Balancing Chakras

While there may be debate over the exact number of chakras in the body, the potential benefits of balancing and healing these energy centers are widely recognized in various spiritual and holistic practices.

By balancing the chakras, it is believed that individuals may experience physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, including increased energy, improved focus, reduced stress and anxiety, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

Chakra healing may also help to promote healthy relationships, better communication, and greater creativity and intuition.

It is important to note that chakra healing should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment, but rather as a complementary practice that may support overall health and wellness.

By incorporating chakra healing into a regular self-care routine, individuals may find themselves on a transformative journey of spiritual growth and personal discovery, discovering new levels of harmony and balance within themselves and the world around them.

Practices for Balancing and Healing Chakras

Now that we’ve covered the basics of chakras and the 12 chakra system, let’s dive into some practical tips for balancing and healing these energy centers. While there are many practices that can be beneficial for chakra healing, we’ve outlined a few below to get you started on your journey.


One of the most well-known practices for balancing chakras is through meditation. By focusing on each chakra and visualizing it as a vibrant, spinning disc of energy, we can bring awareness and balance to these energy centers. There are many guided meditations available online specifically for chakra healing, or you can simply sit in a quiet place and visualize each chakra in turn, starting from the base and working up to the crown.

Energy Healing

Energy healing, such as Reiki or acupuncture, can also be helpful for balancing chakras. These practices work by clearing blockages and restoring the flow of energy through the body. A trained practitioner can work with you to identify any areas where energy may be blocked and help to release these blockages to promote overall well-being and harmony.


Many yoga poses are specifically designed to stimulate and balance the chakras. For example, the root chakra is associated with the legs and feet, so poses such as mountain, tree, and warrior can be beneficial for grounding and balancing this energy center. Similarly, poses such as cobra, camel, and fish can help to open and activate the heart chakra.

Crystal Healing

Crystals have long been associated with healing and balancing the chakras. Each chakra is associated with specific crystals that are believed to enhance and balance their corresponding energy center. For example, amethyst is often used to balance the crown chakra, while rose quartz can help to activate the heart chakra.

Remember, the most important thing when working with chakras is to listen to your own body and intuition. Experiment with different practices and find what works best for you. With patience, dedication, and an open mind, you can begin to unlock the transformative power of chakra healing.

Exploring Other Chakra Systems

While the traditional seven chakra system and the 12 chakra system are the most widely recognized, it is important to note that other alternative chakra systems exist as well. These systems may follow different beliefs and practices related to chakra energy.

One example is the eight-chakra system, which includes an additional chakra located above the head known as the Soul Star chakra. This chakra is believed to connect individuals with their soul’s purpose and higher consciousness.

Another system is the nine-chakra system, which includes additional chakras located above the head and below the feet. These chakras are believed to represent one’s connection to the universe and the earth, respectively.

Regardless of the specific chakra system one follows, the fundamental principles remain the same: chakras serve as energy centers within the body, contributing to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Ultimately, the exploration of chakras is a highly personal journey, and one may choose to follow a particular system or incorporate a combination of beliefs and practices. The most important aspect is to approach this journey with an open mind and heart, and to allow for personal growth and transformation to unfold.

Chakras as Personal Journey

Working with chakras is a deeply personal journey that can have a profound impact on one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. While traditional beliefs may point to seven or twelve chakras, it’s important to remember that the number of chakras and their meanings can vary depending on an individual’s beliefs and experiences.

Exploring and balancing your chakras can offer opportunities for self-discovery, growth, and transformation. By identifying and healing blockages in your energy centers, you can pave the way for greater clarity, purpose, and joy in your life.

As you embark on your journey with chakras, remember to approach it with an open mind and heart. Allow yourself to connect with your intuition, and trust the unique path that unfolds before you. Remember that chakra work is not a one-time fix, but an ongoing practice that requires patience, dedication, and self-love.

So whether you choose to work with the traditional seven chakras, the 12 chakras, or any other system that resonates with you, know that you are embarking on a beautiful and empowering journey of spiritual growth.

Chakras as Personal Journey

At the end of the day, the exploration of chakras is a deeply personal journey. While there may be differing beliefs about the number and significance of energy centers, what truly matters is the individual’s experience and growth.

By taking the time to understand and balance our chakras, we open ourselves up to a world of spiritual and emotional healing. It’s about tuning into our inner selves and listening to what our bodies and souls truly need.

Discovering Your Unique Path

Whether you resonate with the traditional seven chakra system or find the expanded 12 chakra system more aligned with your beliefs, the important thing is to approach the journey with an open heart and mind.

Try different practices, such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing, to discover what works best for you. Remember that your chakra journey is unique and there is no “right” or “wrong” way to approach it.

Empowering Your Spiritual Growth

Working with your chakras can have a profound impact on your spiritual growth. It can help you connect with your higher self, release emotional blockages, and enhance your intuition.

As you embark on your chakra journey, trust that the universe will guide you and provide exactly what you need. Embrace the opportunity for growth and let it empower you on your path towards living a fulfilling, authentic life.

Remember, the exploration of chakras is more than just the number of energy centers – it’s about discovering and nurturing the incredible power within yourself.


Q: Are there 12 chakras?

A: The belief in 12 chakras is a newer concept that has gained popularity in recent years. While traditional teachings focus on the seven chakra system, some believe in the existence of additional energy centers, totaling to 12 chakras.

Q: What are chakras and energy centers?

A: Chakras are believed to be energy centers within the body that contribute to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They are thought to be interconnected and aligned along the spinal column, each associated with specific aspects of our being.

Q: What is the traditional understanding of chakras?

A: The traditional understanding of chakras is based on the ancient Indian spiritual traditions, which recognize seven main chakras. These chakras are believed to play a vital role in balancing and harmonizing our energy.

Q: What is the 12 chakra system?

A: The 12 chakra system is a newer interpretation of chakras that expands upon the traditional seven chakras. It introduces additional energy centers, providing a more comprehensive understanding of our energy anatomy.

Q: What are the additional chakras in the 12 chakra system?

A: In the 12 chakra system, the additional chakras include the Soul Star Chakra, the Earth Star Chakra, and others. Each of these chakras is associated with specific aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Q: Is there a debate and controversy surrounding the 12 chakra system?

A: Yes, the 12 chakra system is a topic of debate and controversy within the spiritual community. Some argue for its validity and significance, while others question its authenticity and effectiveness.

Q: What are the benefits of balancing chakras?

A: Balancing chakras, regardless of the specific number, can potentially promote overall well-being. When our chakras are in harmony, we may experience increased physical vitality, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.

Q: What practices can help in balancing and healing chakras?

A: There are various practices that can assist in balancing and healing chakras, including meditation, energy healing, yoga, and other holistic approaches. These practices aim to restore the flow of energy and promote chakra alignment.

Q: Are there other chakra systems beyond the traditional seven and the 12 chakra system?

A: Yes, there are alternative chakra systems that exist beyond the traditional seven and the 12 chakra system. These different systems reflect the diversity of beliefs and practices surrounding chakra energy.

Q: How can I embark on a personal journey with chakras?

A: Working with chakras is a personal and transformative journey. The number of chakras you explore may vary depending on your beliefs and experiences. Embrace your own unique spiritual path and discover the power of chakra energy within you.